About Us

Our company specializes in accounting and tax preparation services for a wide variety of clients. We specialize in:

  • Tax return filing and tax planning for individuals including Stock option sales
  • Advisor to bookkeeping and accounting for small businesses
  • Corporate tax return filing
  • Trust and estate tax return filing

Marilyn has been providing tax and accounting services to small business and individual tax clients for 40+ years. Before opening Brodeur Tax & Accounting Services in January 2018, Marilyn worked for 23 years at Tax & Businees Services of Wakefield, 10 years for Cary & Johnson CPA's in Melrose and several accounting manager positons before entering the public accounting industry. She earned her EA license from the IRS in 1993. As a  member of Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents she is currently Immediate Past President MaSEA (Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents) and a member of National Association of Enrolled Agents since 1992.  As a graduate of the Schuldiner Smollan Leadership Academy (SSLA), I served as Chairperson of NAEA's Awards Committee for the past 2 years and remain on the committee for 2023-2024. I have advocated for the IRS and Enrolled Agents on Capitol Hill for 4 years with my colleagues from across the USA with NAEA. I've represented MaSEA at meetings in Washington, DC, Las Vegas, NV, Scottsdale, AZ, Baltimore,MD and Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Marilyn also holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Northeastern University. Attending Continuing Education courses at local & regional chapters of accounting, tax associations, IRS and MA DOR keeps our firm on the leading edge of ever-changing tax laws and accounting methods.

In her time away from the office she enjoys time at the beach, reading and time spent with her husband, and two adult children. Also an avid Red Sox and Patriots fan.  As a two time breast cancer survivor, I support other women in treatment.  Also a volunteer and supporter of the Tanner Ta Ta Organization of Woburn.

Computerized offices and internet access ensures clients accurate, efficient, state-of-the-art service at a competitive price.

Visit the Services area of our site to learn more about the many accounting and tax services available to individuals and businesses.

You can reach us via telephone 781-569-5858, fax 781-569-5100, or mail. You can also email me at marilyn@brodeurtax.com.

Feel free to contact the office anytime. We're here to help put your mind at ease when dealing with IRS or MA DOR issues and representation.